Pc Fallout 4 Mods
Fallout 4 Mods Pc Reddit
In order to activate mods, you need to enable your game's ability to use them first. This can be done by altering a couple of lines in the game's configuration(.ini) files, which you can find and change by following the three simple steps below. Step 1: Go to your documents folder, click your My Games folder, and then open the Fallout 4 folder. Here you can find three different.ini files. Step 2: Open the 'Fallout4Prefs.ini' file using Notepad. Scroll down until you find a section marked Launcher.
Enter a paragraph break from the top and type the line 'bEnableFileSelection=1'. If you have this line already in your.ini file but it's set to zero, make sure to set it to 1.
Fallout 4 Pc Mods Not Working
Save and close the file. Step 3: Open Fallout4.ini with Notepad. Find the Archive section and find the line below it marked 'SResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS'. Erase this and replace it with 'sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS, TEXTURES, MUSIC, SOUND, INTERFACE, MESHES, PROGRAMS, MATERIALS, LODSETTINGS, VIS, MISC, SCRIPTS, SHADERSFX'. Save and close the file.To activate mods, you need a mod manager tool. Unfortunately, Bethesda has not released their own official mod tool yet. However, you can download this easy-to-use unofficial for now.
We'll be sure to update this slide with a download link of the official tool once Bethesda releases it. Description: Have you ever wished you could have one of the wasteland's various creatures join you on your adventures as a companion? This mod lets you do just that, giving you the ability to issue commands to them like a normal companion NPC, with the exception of the relationship option. Compatible companion creatures include: a Deathclaw, a Yao Guai, a Gen 1 Synth, a Gen 2 Synth, a Mutant Hound, a Super Mutant Behemoth, a Raider Dog, a Gorilla, a Radscorpion, a Vicious Dog, or a Cat.Here's the mod's.