How To Send A Link In Google Chrome

How to send a link in google chrome free

How To Send Web Page By Gmail

Featured.The incoming feature was and has been for a future release. Dubbed ', it is the text equivalent of sharing a link to a YouTube video that jumps to a preselected time.As it is, there's no tool in Chrome for creating a link to a certain spot on a web page. Finding specific text is also difficult from a mobile browser using the fiddly 'Find in Page' feature, which apparently is rarely used in Chrome on mobile devices.The common answer to this problem is to take a screenshot of the relevant text and maybe share a link to the page it was from.

Or you could send a link and tell the recipient to search for a word., the Chromium developer behind the feature, has posted a page on GitHub project that explains why it would be useful and how it works. 'To enable scrolling directly to a specific part of a web page, we propose generalizing the existing support for scrolling to elements based on the fragment identifier. We believe this capability could be used by a variety of websites (eg, search engine results pages, Wikipedia reference links), as well as by end users when sharing links from a browser.'

How to send a link in google chrome free

For the feature to be useful to all users, Scroll-To-Text would also need to be supported by Firefox, Safari, Edge and others. Boken is proposing adjustments to HTML standards so the feature is supported.As for the link, his project proposes encoding a text snippet in the URL with the prefix 'targetText=' followed by a string containing the keywords. If the user has selected a long phrase, the string would contain the beginning and end words.One aspect that the project doesn't address is the ability to send a link that scrolls directly to an image.He's also exploring how it could be possible for users to highlight multiple snippets of text to share. By registering you become a member of the CBS Interactive family of sites and you have read and agree to the,.

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