Hearts Of Iron 4 Hungary
- Hearts Of Iron 4 Hungary Manpower
- Hearts Of Iron 4 Hungary
- Hearts Of Iron 4 Hungary Protect Czechoslovakia
I joined the Allies to combat Germany (which have annexed Czechoslovakia and Romania) and Yugoslavia that have joined Axis. But the war is still going on, I just hope I can keep the lands where I have claims on.The war started when Germany demanded Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia that have joined Romania's faction. It was a quick war, which I was laughing inside because the Czech refused my offer of guarantee from the NF. The Allies only got involved after Germany demanded Danzig, Poland joined the Allies, and them Germany put pressure on the Benelux through their NF, then France and Benelux also joined the Allies.
SU declared war on Poland, so they're at war with he allies, but I've refused to join this war, because I'm not ready to face the Soviet horde.That's pretty much how I got in this situation. I want to praise the British and the Commonwealth though, because they've launched a very successful amphibious assault on Italy. I only decided to gamble it off by joining the Allies when the Brits forced Italy to capitulate, thus connecting our borders.
LoL i restored the Austrian-Hungary Empire and then i installed a Fascist Demagogue. After a while there was a peaceful coup and now iam the Austro-Hungarian Reich. Otto von Habsburg is replaced with generic leader it seems.I joined the war against Axis and now 1941 the war is over.
I took venetia, dalmatia, zara etc.Now i finish the Restore the Empire Focus and then i build up my military to get the rest back (german cores, palestine, rest of italy) - You know that means war with allies. I am Ironman so i must wait for an opportunity.
LoL i restored the Austrian-Hungary Empire and then i installed a Fascist Demagogue. After a while there was a peaceful coup and now iam the Austro-Hungarian Reich. Otto von Habsburg is replaced with generic leader it seems.I joined the war against Axis and now 1941 the war is over. I took venetia, dalmatia, zara etc.Now i finish the Restore the Empire Focus and then i build up my military to get the rest back (german cores, palestine, rest of italy) - You know that means war with allies.
I am Ironman so i must wait for an opportunity. The achievement requires these territories:all of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakiaandfrom Italy: Tuscany, Emilio Romagna, and Lombardyfrom Germany: Oberschlesien, Niederschlesienfrom France: Lorrainefrom the UK: Palestine, JordanYou do not need anything from Yugoslavia or Romania, and the territory you need from foreign powers has nothing to do with the actual traditional lands of the Austro-Hungarian crowns. I mean, Palestine and Jordan? Why?As such, you'll need to beat Germany and Italy first, and then England and France.Yeah. I had a Austria-Hungary game running pretty well (Czechoslovakia agreed to be annexed by me) which I ended up quitting because I couldn't beat Japan to get German Silesia and the Italian lands, which I needed to do to get rid of the resistance so I could go attack the Allies. Click to expand.This is an interesting point.Would Britain and France start a war against a resurgent Hungary?
Or would they find it too weak?I don't know that there would be intervention, because there's no balance of power issue (Neville Chamberlain's declaration of war clearly made reference to a Germany which created an atmosphere where 'no people or country could feel themselves safe'), but it's possible. Maybe a Balkan coalition war, or USSR intervention.To be honest, this is something which could be resolved later with some sort of mechanic (maybe individual countries get infamy, and then neighbours get guaranteed by majors). For now, there needs to be a way to press claims you have, otherwise the AH focuses are basically useless.
Click to expand.No, it wouldn't have averted WW2, because balance of power was the major issue (combined with Germany being actively threatening). Hitler planned on invading Russia all along, and this would have brought the allies to war (to prevent him becoming too strong).Furthermore, the balance of power concern applies equally to the Balkans. Hitler aside, there would possibly have been some sort of Romania-Yugoslav-Poland pact, but this is by no means certain.Though if Germany wasn't able to Anschluss, or take Czechia, it probably would have been able to invade Poland with condemnation but not war from Britain and France. However, WW2 would have started when Germany inevitably invaded Russia, so it would probably have been delayed, and not avoided altogether.
Hearts Of Iron 4 Hungary Manpower
And if there was an Austria-Hungary-Germany pact (quite possible in such a scenario), it would probably have been a Molotov-Ribbentrop-Habsburg pact, to accommodate Austrian claims on Galicia.But devs have to prioritise. Just playing the second run on austria-hungary - CZECH never refused my guarantee but i had to drop sudetenland to germany. I ALWAYS DONT HAVE ENOUGH MANPOWER.
Always a damn zero. Doin the doctrin for getting 5% manpower but it takes ages.- in my second run austria refused to my referendum. So i got losses too. Dunno where i get the damn manpower. I'm on 2.5% recruitable pop.
Can only switch to 5% if in war. And cant go to war due to lacking manpower.
Seems a little bit silly at the moment. 1941 and waiting for my doctrin research on man power.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Hungary

No, it wouldn't have averted WW2, because balance of power was the major issue (combined with Germany being actively threatening). Hitler planned on invading Russia all along, and this would have brought the allies to war (to prevent him becoming too strong).Furthermore, the balance of power concern applies equally to the Balkans. Hitler aside, there would possibly have been some sort of Romania-Yugoslav-Poland pact, but this is by no means certain.Though if Germany wasn't able to Anschluss, or take Czechia, it probably would have been able to invade Poland with condemnation but not war from Britain and France.
Although games like Firefall still cheat by calling their miniguns 'Heavy Machine Guns' on account of the battleframes having a load capacity of several tons so you're carrying a non-portable gun.Since we don't have power armour in Payday 2 (yet), LMG seems to make sense. 'Light' equals 'man-portable'And in the end, it will work like an LMG, in terms of gameplay, anyway. That's why they are called 'heavy', basically. Why are they called miniguns. Originally posted by:LMG, most likely.HMG (HEAVY machine guns) are not portable in the first place.
Hearts Of Iron 4 Hungary Protect Czechoslovakia
However, WW2 would have started when Germany inevitably invaded Russia, so it would probably have been delayed, and not avoided altogether. And if there was an Austria-Hungary-Germany pact (quite possible in such a scenario), it would probably have been a Molotov-Ribbentrop-Habsburg pact, to accommodate Austrian claims on Galicia.But devs have to prioritise. Click to expand.You don't have to play aggressively, but players who want to rebuild the Austro-Hungarian Empire need to be able to do so.I mean look, Paradox have given us claims. This stuff is already in the focus tree. We just can't do anything with it right now because AH is non-aligned.I'm not sure any steamrolling would take place anyhow. In my last game, Romania allied Poland, which would have meant a gruesome war if I tried to reclaim Eastern territories, and Yugoslavia was quite strong.