Skyrim High Def Texture Pack

Skyrim Pc High Res Texture Pack
Yes, it will work. Can i run skyrim high resoloution texture packCPU-Intel core i3 3210 3.2GhzGPU-Zotac Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 1GB GDDR5 synergy editionRAM-4GB(3.96GB usable)OS-Windows 7 64bitYou have a 64-bit operating system, so that is good.System memory and video memory are lower than what I would suggest, but they do meet Bethesda's minimum specifications.Be sure to disable MSAA in the graphics settings. Other settings can be high without any concern.The difficulty can be removing the texture pack once you have added it if it doesn't work.Once you have downloaded the DLC from steam, even reinstalling the game will download the DLC again.If this happens, downloading and install NMM from the website I linked above. You can use this to disable individual modsincluding the high res texture pack.I would also highly recommend the following mods:Unofficial Skyrim Patch-19-1-3-2c.7zUnofficial Hearthfire Patch-25127-1-1-1.7zSkyUI41-3863-4-1.7zThe first two fix a huge number of bugs in the game.The third is a much improved user interface. The user interface that comes with the game is terrible. You can only see attributes for objects one at a time, so you can't sort your inventory on weight or damage, etc.

Skyrim High Res Texture Pack Dlc
SkyUI is fantastic.For the SkyUI mod to work, you also need to install SKSE:installed, you launch Skyrim with the SKSE shortcut. If using a steam copy of the game, steam needs to be running and logged in.If you do keep the Bethesda high res texture pack, also install this mod after the others:Unofficial High Resolution Patch-31255-1-1-2.7z.