Final Fantasy Tactics Summons
Final Fantasy X Aeons are creatures that can be summoned in battle. Not only are they there to deal massive amounts of damage to an enemy when summoned, but they also take the place of a character during battle as long as they are called. Just like characters, Aeons have both an HP and MP gauge, the ability to use certain skills such as black and white magic, and an overdrive gauge. Age of empire free download. However, just like characters, when an Aeon reaches 0 HP, it will be taken out of battle and your party will be put right back into the battle as before the Aeon was summoned.In Final Fantasy X, only one member of your party has the power to summon these powerful beasts – Yuna. As the game progresses, in order to obtain new Aeons, Yuna must pray at the various temples throughout Spira.
Most of the Aeons are automatically received throughout the course of the game; however, for the most powerful Aeons, you must go on side quests.Aeons have special skills and in order to use them, they must fill up their overdrive gauge. There are two different ways to do this.
The first is to have an Aeon take damage through battles. Aeons also have a special ability known as ‘Boost’ which allows the overdrive gauge to charge at double the rate. However, the price paid for this is even more damage, so make sure to use the Boost ability wisely! The second way is to have Yuna reach overdrive. When she reaches overdrive, she can summon an Aeon to aid her in battle. When the Aeon is called, its overdrive gauge will automatically be at 100%, activating the Aeon’s special ability and thus allowing you to use it on the enemies.Each Aeon also has a special normal attack which is explained in each of their sections. These attacks are unique to the character and usually have some side effect that’s smacked on.
Final Fantasy Tactics Summons Number
Not only that, but elemental Aeons (i.e. Shiva) have the ability to heal themselves with the magic of their element. Great feature, indeed!
However, for non-elemental monsters such as Bahamut, you’ll probably wish to have them learn a Cure spell. Yes, that’s right! You can teach your Aeons skills. In order to teach them skills, you must have a certain amount of items.Below is a list of various items needed to have an Aeon learn some skills. The only Aeons unable to learn these abilities are Yojimbo and the Magus Sisters. AbilityItems NeededDark Attack6 Smoke BombsSilence Attack3 Silence GrenadesSleep Attack3 Sleeping PowdersDark Buster12 Smoke BombsSilence Buster10 Silence GrenadesSleep Buster10 Sleeping PowederDelay Attack20 Silver HourglassDelay Buster30 Gold HourglassZombie Attack99 Holy WaterTriple Foul4 Skill SpherePower Break8 Stamina SpringMagic Break4 Mana SphereArmor Break2 Lv.
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Final Fantasy Tactics Secret Summon
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