X3 Albion Prelude Schiffe Mods
Well.you did ask.this fromDownload links are on the website.THE XRM IS COMPATIBLE WITH BOTH X3 TERRAN CONFLICT 3.2c AND ALBION PRELUDE 3.1 on Windows, OSX and LinuxPlease follow the installation instructions in the post below relevant to the game you wish to run XRM in.- FEATURES -UNIVERSE IMPROVEMENTS – The X-Universe has been completely overhauled and many improvements have been made, including a fully functional Terran ecomony.NEW SECTORS – Over 50 new sectors, all named, board computer voiced, and featuring full descriptions, have been added. They are all of a standard comparable to the original game itself and they fit seamlessly into the expanded universe. Also new links have been made in the universe to help with the flow of AI trading.SHIP REBALANCING - The XRM rebalances nearly every single ship in the game with a view to making every ship unique and useful. We have tried to ensure there are no 'I Win' ships and that all ships within a class are balanced across the races. Speeds of fighters have been increased, corvettes are much faster, more manoeuvrable with extended cargo bays, heavy corvettes have more weapons and turrets, there are new classes of frigates such as Heavy Assault frigates, light frigates and more light carriers, weapon loudouts have been made more racial, and many other aspects have been tweaked to improve balancing consistancy.
Established race lore from the X Universe has been fully embraced and applied. All ship stats are taken into account from speed and acceleration to cargo and price.NEW SHIPS - As an added bonus the XRM also adds many (well over 200!) new ships into the game taken from some of the excellent ship mods available, including Expnobody's Ship Showcase, Cadius' Xtra Mod and Killerog's X2 ships, as well as some XRM exclusive ships.
It features PAR ships, which are pre-outfitted ships ready for deployment when you purchase them, new pirate versions of many ships with custom pirate skins, M3 Bombers, M5 Explorers with built in capital class scanners and Explorer software, prototype M6s for each race and much, much more.RACIALISED WEAPONS – The military of each race has decided to clamp down on letting other races use their technology. All weapon loadouts have been racialised. There are no longer any generic, “one size fits all” weapons and each race gets their own, unique set of weapons.NEW WEAPONS – No less than ten new weapons have been added, with brand new effects and sounds, including a full array of Xenon weapons and a new lasertower weapon which makes lasertowers something to be feared again. Factories have also been added for the new weapons so you can build your own.
In addition all the beam weapons are now for sale in the universe with updated and enhanced effects.WEAPON REBALANCING – All weapons in the game have been overhauled and rebalanced. Many have new effects with performance in mind, including all the beam weapons which no longer kill frame rates. Ammo based weapons have been converted into standard energy weapons and rebalanced to compensate. In addition the Ion Disruptor and Phased Shockwave Generator have been converted into standard bullet types to remove their frame rate killing effects. All missiles have increased speeds. Refire rates have been greatly increased. Dumbfire missiles have been converted to low turn rate tracking missiles with large blast radii.
Damage, blast radii, special abilities, prices and reps have all been rebalanced. All missiles are now for sale in the universe.CUSTOM JOBS – A custom made jobs file has been built from the ground up, featuring all the XRM added ships, a completely rebuilt and enhanced military jobs system and improvements to civilian jobs.BUILT IN RACE RESPONSE AND BORDER SKIRMISHES – (Albion Prelude only) XRM makes full use of the Albion Prelude RRF features, tailoring them to seamlessly fit the XRM jobs while fixing all the bugs that exist in the vanilla version. In addition XRM for Albion Prelude features border skirmishes, where races that have a history of 'bad relations' will get into fights in border sectors.REPLACEMENT WAR FOR ALBION PRELUDE – (Albion Prelude only) A replacement for the vanilla AP war has been created.
The player can fight on either side and is given objectives to complete in order to 'win' the war.MORE ENEMIES - The XRM makes the X universe a far more dangerous place. The 'enemy' races have been revamped and are now far more active in the universe, with new universe “event” jobs which create invasions without the need for complicated, CPU intensive scripts. You will see the Xenon, Kha'ak, Yaki and Pirates invading other race's sectors - including Terran sectors.MORE PIRATES – The X-Universe pirates have been on a scavenging spree. They are no longer limited to just Argon and Teladi ships. You will see pirate Boron, Split, Paranid and even Terran ships, and all their new ships are sporting custom paintjobs to make them even more fearsome. They now feature distinct and indentifiable racial clans that they tend to group with, and Pirate Core Sectors have been fully reinforced and now have their own micro-economies and shipyards.RACE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE NETWORK – The player can connect to each race's Military Intelligence Network to get up-to-the-minute reports on invasions, military strikes and pirate activity.EXCLUSIVE FULL-FEATURED BOUNTY SYSTEM – Bounties will be offered by each of the main races via the Military Intel Network. These can be won by any player-owned ship and its value will be dependent on the actions of the target ship.
You can also score bounties for incursions into Pirate, Xenon or Kha'ak space, and from destroying enemy stations.BUILT-IN WEAPON PRIORITISING – CWP has been fully integrated, ensuring that all spawned ships have a decent loadout of weapons, shields and tunings.REALLOCATION OF SHIPYARD WARES – All civilian ships and factories have been removed from military shipyards. These are now for sale at Corporation Showrooms across the galaxy. All Shipyards and Showrooms now have an accompanying Equipment Dock or Military Outpost to help with outfitting of new ships.MERCHANT/BARTERING SYSTEM OVERHAUL – The X3 Bartering system has been given a complete make over.
Moddb X3 Albion Prelude
Originally posted by:Wow awesom and damn because archivments:(It only makes sense you can't use mods and get them. If they let you do that, some one would get them all instantly, by moding it in.
Analisis quimico cuantitativo harris pdf. Gaming is full of cheaters, at least 90 percent of people who play games, want to cheat at them.I would recommend litcube over XRM, since litcube is still being updated. I dont want to cheat i already started vanila and have awsome trade rute that i go and o back to sell but its boring and time consuming i want that XRM mod because there is some new stuff and fixes and other stuff i am not cheater i never cheat but wish i can use the mod normaly and do archivments by the way:(. You don't have to cheat to play either XRM or Litcube, like hatefulpeace said, what's the point in playing if ya gotta cheat to win? (or something to that meaningful phase)I'm not sure about Litcube but I know XRM has a godmode, whereas the forums have pointed out that nothing could kill you or your other ships.but it has to be enabled on the ship for it to work. So its not like everything is in godmode at once.All those points I posted here work with the MODS that other experianced players have so cleaverly built upon this game.its so good, you kmow it will work as well as it was written.But like the old saying goes.once you go black, you'll never go back.
Originally posted by:You don't have to cheat to play either XRM or Litcube, like hatefulpeace said, what's the point in playing if ya gotta cheat to win? (or something to that meaningful phase)I'm not sure about Litcube but I know XRM has a godmode, whereas the forums have pointed out that nothing could kill you or your other ships.but it has to be enabled on the ship for it to work.
X3 Albion Prelude Cockpit Mod
So its not like everything is in godmode at once.All those points I posted here work with the MODS that other experianced players have so cleaverly built upon this game.its so good, you kmow it will work as well as it was written.But like the old saying goes.once you go black, you'll never go back. So usay XRM i better the vanilla it self hmm shel i try it i just made so much money i dont want to ruin all that time xD.