Total War Coop Campaign

Welcome to!A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series. The coop campaign works really well in Shogun2, played a couple of them to the end.When a battle approaches each player can select if you want to autore-solve or fight, if both players chose a different option it will select the option you selected as 'default' at the campaign start.When you get into battle, there is small button on the lower (left?) side, where you can 'gift' selected units to your coop buddy for the duration of the battle.Battles take about 5-15sec longer to load than in a SP campaign.Ah almost forgot! While its not your turn, you can still select your cities, choose your next tech and if i remember correctly put units in the build queue. If you're both fans of the game/series you should enjoy your selves. Games will take a bit longer but often they are much more fun.You can play total co-op were you guys are forced on a team or play were you are aloud to fight declare war with each other.As others said you can spectate each others fights. Me and my friend usually give the other people control of a couple archers or cav.

TotalAttila total war coop campaign

Empire Total War Coop Campaign Mod

Something to give them a bit of fun and take away a little micro.Most of the problems like desynce are gone, but they may pop up on a rare occasion. I would recommend you save now and then, but if something does happen there are a few fixes. The two two co-op games I play through we never had any issue though.

Empire Total War has a beta co-op campaign that they promised would be in the final game, and then was promised to be patched in and never was. It's glitchy. Napoleon's online campaign is a mess, its more like two players vs. Each other, and every battle is either autoresolved or the players fighting each other.

Empire Total War Online

Rome 2 and Shogun 2 improved this by having the players fight the CPU instead, and offered an actual co-op experience, but the games desynchronize so often that it isn't that good of an experience either.