Tony Robbins Ultimate Edge Torrent
Tony Robbins is flooding cable with 30 minute commercials selling his motivational, self-help, and success CDs called The Ultimate Edge. I have DirecTV and there are multiple showings at all times, day and night.
I listen to CDs on a variety of topics while I drive, so I decided to buy The Ultimate Edge.First off, be warned; The Ultimate Edge runs over $350 with shipping and they try to sell you even more once they have you on the phone. Also, The Ultimate Edge is largely recycled from Tony Robbins’ Personal Power program from years back.There are serious problems with the program that require mention.
First, he spends a lot of time on relationships. What he fails to mention is that his marriage of 15 years ended in divorce.
But don’t worry about Tony Robbins spending his evenings alone. He remarried less than six months later. How is that for building relationships? Second, he talks about exercising in the morning to increase metabolism. I have no problem with that statement. However, included with his program is a DVD outlining how you only need to work-out at the gym 3 minutes every few weeks. The DVD is really a tool to sell more stuff.
I believe in consistency and Tony presents a dichotomy in the materials sent.The most disturbing part of the program is his discussion on balancing your blood Ph, the acid-alkaline level. He admits the diet advice he gave for years was wrong, but now he has the latest and greatest idea in better. His claim is that many health problems result from too much acid in the system. He wants you to eat more vegetables, which is sound advice. But it doesn’t stop there.
Tony Robbins Ultimate Edge Torrent Free
He presents a diet I find unbalanced and a cleansing process I would never try without first consulting my doctor.My skepticism required I do my own research on acid/alkaline balancing. It seems the medical community doesn’t agree with Tony Robbins. In the articles linked below, it is stated that there is no research to date leading to the conclusions Tony presents. Further, if you have too much acid in your system, faster breathing removes it. No need to buy more Tony Robbins products to get the job done.Read these two articles for more information on acid/alkaline balancing by professionals in the field.The Acid / Alkaline Mystery Solvedby Stephen Cherniske, M.Sc.Alkaline Diets and Cancer: Fact or Fiction?By Stephanie Vangsness, R.D., L.D.N.It would behoove you to verify what is presented before putting your health on the line.I’m returning The Ultimate Edge for a refund. If they give me a headache, I’ll let you know.
Every so often someone comes along that would rather believe life can't turn out the way they want it to and so they write an article to help other people come down to their level and believe what I perceive to be the real BS. Truth is man, with anything in life, you get what you put into it. And because of how jaded and pessimistic our society has become, a man with such optimism is WITHOUT A DOUBT going to get haters. Lots of haters. The guy's not right all the time. But damn he's helped a lot of people. I agree with the comments about the upsell.
It can be a bit much. But we have enough downers in the world.
I'll take one more guy like Tony Robbins any day, because at the end of the day, it's his enthusiasm that inspires and its when we have enthusiasm that we inspire ourselves. I think its good he has a crack at cutting edge ideas, some fire and others may not but just getting someone to change what they think and stop being a victim is good for us, as no one wants to see and hear from fat, downer, victims.everyone has a different situation, and TR would not be as successful as he is, if he didn't get know he has a lot of fans, and he's not pushing any religious fantasy smack talk either.It doesn't matter if you like him or not?
If they could, they would.but they think they can't, so they don't.' I have the Ultimate Edge and Tony offers a LOT of good advice on it.
However, no one has ALL of the answers. I would say, use what is useful to you and throw out the rest. For example, the alkaline diet sounded like BS to me as well, so I just ignored that part. But some of the strategies Tony gives for goal-setting and utilizing your emotions were really useful. The problem starts when you put ANY resource on a pedestal (i.e. Tony Robbins, the sports star or musician you idolize, your priest, your mother, your teacher, your friends) because the moment you do you sacrifice your common sense. Use the tools Tony can give you (of which there are many) but don't turn off your critical thinking skills.
Yes, Tony is a master of the upsell and this is a turn off, but that doesn't mean everything he says is false or unhelpful. Learn to appreciate the nuance. Maybe he's not all good or all bad but, like everyone else, somewhere in between. Ultimately I think it is too bad that he is such an aggressive salesperson because it undermines some of the great stuff he does. Ultimate Edge has improved my life, but only because I engaged with it using both my enthusiasm and my common sense. Apply the stuff that makes sense to you, try a couple of the things that you are unsure about to stretch yourself and see if they work, and if something feels wrong, don't do it. Tony Robbins sent his cheerleader to our small business to get us hyped up.
A few us signed up for his event. We later found out that it was 15 hour days.
We were never told this when we signed up. Of course it was sign up right now to get a deal. When we tried to get a refund we are told we have to attend the event for a day and a half (20 hours). Everyone is the organization has been programed with the same song. Our rep said he could help, he had a woman who was interested in buying my ticket.
When I called her she told me that she told him no way. Guess its my own fault for not seeing a SCAM. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. HubPages Traffic PixelThis is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized.Amazon Web ServicesThis is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service.
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Get The Edge Tony Robbins
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