Sims 3 Vampire Baby
Vampire Babies?Basically, my legacy founder got pregnant by a man who i found out was a vampire afterwards (for the full story theres a link in my signature.) I know it's possible for babies to be born vampires, but how can i know for sure? She has her fathers vampire skin tone, but her need bars and such are normal. Is this only because she has just been born, or she's just a normal sim with a vampire skin tone? Im confused,.
Any help is greatly appreciated!I will get pictures up as soon as possible. I don't know if there's a confirmed way to tell for sure until the baby grows up, since vampires aren't functional as vampires until young adulthood. All of my vampire babies have had glowing eyes and strange skin hues, but I've never had sims in a vampire/human relationship. My vampire kids have always been full-blooded.Other than that, you may be able to use the master controller or awesomemod to see if 'vampire' is one of their hidden traits.I'm curious now though. I'll go run a few experiments.EDIT:I gave Elvira Slayer 'instant baby' triplets by Matthew Hamming, and Marina Prattle instant baby triplets by Beau Merrick. They all had slightly glowing skin and the red border in the relationship panel.
After aging them to toddlers all of them developed glowing eyes. As children, all of them could drink plasma juice from the fridge. At young adulthood they all became full-fledged vampires.So after testing six half-human children and all of them growing up to be all out vamps, I'm not sure it's even possible for a vampire to produce a non-vampire child. Ok, can someone rant with me about how crappy the vampires are in TS3 compared to the vamps in TS2?? I mean c'mon:1) The vamps dont even look like vamps - you can barely see their fangs (but who am i kidding you cant see any TEETH for ANY sim!) and their skintone is like 0.0000001% paler- wow. And they didnt even give us cool vampire clothes like in TS2!
Oh, and they make the 'needs' section purple and black - OMG! (sarcasm)2) I hate the new alter bed-WTH?? Since when do vampires sleep on a hunk of stone, called an alter-i thought it was coffins! Oooh, somone should convert the TS2 coffin for TS33) The vampires dont really do anything special! Oooo, they have some wind effect when the run, they 'slightly glow' (as EA says, but i dont see any 'glow'), they cant stay out in the sun too long and will smoke, or they die after awhile (which isnt even a good thing!), they can read minds and make people think about them (which isnt anything special cuz it just tells you one of thier traits or if theyre single, etc.
And you can only do it like every hour, and lastly, you can hunt, which doesnt even work for me, so i end up doing just this: going to the store ang getting plasma fruits -woooo (sarcasm intended)Questions:CAN VAMPIRES TURN INTO BATS OR FLY AS BATS???????? I have been wondering so long!How do you make somone a vampire if youre a vampire?im not gonna lie: VAMPIRES SUCK IN TS3!well thanks anywaymoogloo88.
Ok, can someone rant with me about how crappy the vampires are in TS3 compared to the vamps in TS2?? I mean c'mon:1) The vamps dont even look like vamps - you can barely see their fangs (but who am i kidding you cant see any TEETH for ANY sim!) and their skintone is like 0.0000001% paler- wow.
And they didnt even give us cool vampire clothes like in TS2! Oh, and they make the 'needs' section purple and black - OMG!
(sarcasm)2) I hate the new alter bed-WTH?? Since when do vampires sleep on a hunk of stone, called an alter-i thought it was coffins! Oooh, somone should convert the TS2 coffin for TS33) The vampires dont really do anything special! Oooo, they have some wind effect when the run, they 'slightly glow' (as EA says, but i dont see any 'glow'), they cant stay out in the sun too long and will smoke, or they die after awhile (which isnt even a good thing!), they can read minds and make people think about them (which isnt anything special cuz it just tells you one of thier traits or if theyre single, etc. And you can only do it like every hour, and lastly, you can hunt, which doesnt even work for me, so i end up doing just this: going to the store ang getting plasma fruits -woooo (sarcasm intended)moogloo881. You can see the teeth better than in TS2. And the 0,000000whatever% skintone is WAY better than the grey shit from TS2.
It's way more realistic. The vampire clothes? You can find them on any Sims site. And what does the needs panel bug you with? What's the problem if the needs are purple?2.
You can find coffins for TS3, I'm sure of it. And the vamps can sleep on normal beds, so you don't have to buy 'a hunk of stone'.3. If you look closer, you'll see they glow. They don't die after a while in the sun, they just lose their vampire status. Unlike TS2, where they died after 5 minutes in the sun.
You end up going to the store and buying plasma fruits because you don't know how to play.Period. Ok, can someone rant with me about how crappy the vampires are in TS3 compared to the vamps in TS2?? I mean c'mon:1) The vamps dont even look like vamps - you can barely see their fangs (but who am i kidding you cant see any TEETH for ANY sim!) and their skintone is like 0.0000001% paler- wow. And they didnt even give us cool vampire clothes like in TS2! Oh, and they make the 'needs' section purple and black - OMG!
(sarcasm)2) I hate the new alter bed-WTH?? Since when do vampires sleep on a hunk of stone, called an alter-i thought it was coffins! Oooh, somone should convert the TS2 coffin for TS33) The vampires dont really do anything special! Oooo, they have some wind effect when the run, they 'slightly glow' (as EA says, but i dont see any 'glow'), they cant stay out in the sun too long and will smoke, or they die after awhile (which isnt even a good thing!), they can read minds and make people think about them (which isnt anything special cuz it just tells you one of thier traits or if theyre single, etc. And you can only do it like every hour, and lastly, you can hunt, which doesnt even work for me, so i end up doing just this: going to the store ang getting plasma fruits -woooo (sarcasm intended)Questions:CAN VAMPIRES TURN INTO BATS OR FLY AS BATS???????? I have been wondering so long!How do you make somone a vampire if youre a vampire?im not gonna lie: VAMPIRES SUCK IN TS3!well thanks anywaymoogloo88agreed the coffins and clothes are what i would like to see from ts2.
Contents General CharacteristicsA vampire feeding from the wrist of a Sim.Vampires of The Sims 3-era are based on a more modern interpretation of vampires, instead of the more classically-inspired vampires of. They have a pale, slightly glowing skin tone, fangs, glowing eyes, and the optional neck tattoo from the Sims clothing accessories. When they sleep, vampires snore V's instead of Z's.Vampire Needs ThirstA vampire's motive is replaced with thirst and all of their needs bars become purple. Thirst works in the same way as hunger, but can only be filled by drinking Plasma juice, eating Plasma fruit, or consuming Plasma from another Sim.
Plasma is the Sim-equivalent of blood. In order to feed from a Sim, the vampire must ask permission and already have good relations with the Sim. When vampires drink from a Sim, they will bite in different places depending on the vampire's relationship with the Sim: on the wrist of a friend or on the neck of a lover.
A desperate vampire can even go to the or store to raid Plasma, but they should watch out as they can get caught and arrested. Vampires are limited to Plasma Fruit and Plasma juice.

Meals cooked using Plasma fruit are edible by vegetarian vampires, but do not provide associated moodlets (except for ). Feeding from a random Sim or eating a Plasma Fruit of at least very nice quality gives the vampire a +15 Moodlet, while feeding off of a Sim who is the vampire's hunt target or eating a perfect Plasma Fruit gives a +50 Moodlet. Vampires can also be fed at restaurants and will receive a positive 'Sated' moodlet.While a vampire's is always 'O-Positive', they are able to eat normal Sim food; however, it will not satisfy their Thirst motive. Like Hunger, drinking/eating while the motive is full will give the vampire the 'Stuffed' moodlet and will cause weight gain if he/she continues drinking/eating with the moodlet.Vampires cannot drink Plasma from children, ghosts, mummies, pregnant Sims, SimBots, Aliens, genies, or imaginary friends in their doll form.Other MotivesA vampire sleeping.All other function like they do for normal Sims. Vampires will receive a positive +15 'Night Vigor' moodlet after dark, but they still need to sleep. Unlike vampires in Nightlife, Late Night vampires do not sleep in coffins. Vampires can instead sleep on a specialized or in normal.
If the bed is of sufficient quality and the vampire receives a full night's sleep, vampires will also receive the positive 'Slept Like the Dead'.Interacting with Other SimsNon-vampires can subconsciously detect vampires and their activities. All non-vampire Sims without the, or trait near a vampire they do not know will receive a 'Hunted' moodlet that takes away -10 Mood.
Sims 3 Vampire Pregnancy

If a Sim who is both a celebrity and a vampire bites someone in public, the Paparazzi will start a scandal about the bite, and the Vampire Celebrity will get the 'Publicly Disgraced' moodlet for the next 3 days. Vampires with the moodlet can go to City Hall and sue to have it removed (which is not always successful), or can pay off the Paparazzi for §3000. Public disgrace can be avoided if the Sim is invited into the vampire's home and is bitten there discreetly. Vampire celebrities will be publicly disgraced if they with a mortal, either in public or on the home lot; Mortal Sims who WooHoo with vampires will become publicly disgraced for 'WooHooing with an Occult.' Drinking from a Sim gives the Sim a positive +20 'Weakened' moodlet which lasts for 12 hours, during which the Sim cannot be drunk from again.Adult vampires run in vampire speed when they play tag with children.In, vampires are often found at, a vampire located in the center of the city. Sims may enter the bar only by bribing their way in, unless they have a celebrity status of at least 2.
The Red Velvet Lounge is the supernatural hangout for vampires in The Sims 3: Supernatural. Vampires can be attracted to other towns by placing a lot and changing it to the 'vampire lounge' lot type.Interacting with petsand can sense the difference between normal Sims and vampires. If there are any vampires on the lot, they will usually 'Investigate the Strange Sim'. The animal will display a thought bubble with an image of bats inside.Becoming a VampireA Vampire biting the Grim ReaperIn the, vampires can be created in Create a Household; however, in, Sims can only become vampires by befriending a preexisting vampire and then asking to be turned. If a Sim asks a vampire to bite them before they become friends, the vampire will refuse. The vampire will also refuse if there are more than 3 non-vampire Sims within a room. When a Sim is bitten after the interaction 'Ask to Turn' or if the vampire 'Offers to Turn' the Sim, the Sim will receive the 'Unusual Blemish' moodlet for the next 3 days.
During this time, unusual messages will pop up describing the transformation. At the end, the Sim will be engulfed in a spiraling cloud of red mist and bats, and perform the action 'Complete Metamorphosis.' Vampire ghosts can turn living Sims into vampires, but a ghost cannot be turned into a vampire.Curing VampirismThe provides an anti-vampirism potion for §3,000, which can cure a vampire of its condition.
Additionally, the Potent Cure Elixir made with the skill can also cure vampirism.Vampire ChildrenUnlike vampirism in Nightlife, vampirism in Late Night is genetic, and any children of a vampire (whether their parents are Vampire-Vampire or Sim-Vampire) will eventually have complete vampiric capabilities when they come into age.These children are vampires from birth, as they appear under the relationships tab glowing red like a normal vampire would. Babies, toddlers, children, and teenagers cannot be cured by drinking the antidote until they are young adults. As toddlers, they will learn from their educational toys at a very fast rate, and get a small head start in learning Logic and Music (Depending on the level the toddler finished with his/her toy xylophone, as a teenager or older, when he/she plays an instrument, their skill on the instrument will be the same) but learn talking, walking, and potty training at the regular rate.
When playing with their teddy bears or Imaginary Friend Dolls, they have the tendency to act like vampires and bite the necks of their toy. As toddlers, they can still eat normal food and take bottles and baby food.As children, the only early sign of their vampirism is their ability to learn skills quickly. They can learn and master Logic, Writing, Fishing, Inventing, Photography and Painting, but as a child, they cannot master Cooking, Handiness, and Athletic. However, they can get a head start, similar to the toddler toys. They also eat normal food, as well as garlic, and can spend days outside.
They can eat plasma-packs from the fridge, and plasma fruit at this age as well.At their teenage state, they have the ability to learn all the skills. While all children of vampire heritage eventually turn into vampires, teens of two vampire parents will have a significantly higher learning rate than children of impure vampire ancestry. They still appear mortal and have the ability to go out. Teenager rules still apply to them and they are not allowed to break curfew at night. Also, they are old enough to use the special Vampire Altar bed.They age at a normal rate until they transition into young adults. Then their appearance becomes that of a young adult vampire with the pale skin, glowing eyes, and all the maturity of a fully-grown vampire.It is possible for a vampire and a ghost to have children.
The child, however, may be a vampire, a ghost, or a mixed breed.Vampire PowersVampire HuntingSpecial abilities of vampires include an extended. When vampires become young adults, their aging becomes abnormal. All young adult and adult vampires have a lifespan five times the length of a normal Sim's, although vampires are not immortal, unlike in The Sims 2. If they have mortal children before turning into vampires, it is possible the vampire can actually outlive their own children. Enhanced Other special abilities include the ability to 'hunt.' By clicking on a blank space of terrain on a lot populated by other Sims, the vampire will receive the option to hunt.
Hunting gives a thermal aura around the victim which reveals which Sim has the best plasma. This also gives them a tag in the map view, and an aura around the target's portrait in the Relationships tab. When a vampire has a target, they will get a wish to drink from that Sim. Drinking from the target not only refills the Thirst bar, but also grants a which prevents the Thirst bar from decaying until the moodlet expires.Vampire Sims also have the option to make a Sim think of you. This causes the target Sim think of the vampire, which is usually indicated by a thought bubble over their head, and causes a relationship plus.
This is greyed out for a certain amount of time after use.Vampire Sims also have the ability to read minds. By doing so, the vampire Sim can learn a of target Sim, their career, relationship status,. This is also greyed out for a certain amount of time after use.A Sim being chased by a Vampire.Vampire Sims will receive super speed and endurance, which means they can dash from one point to another in a matter of seconds. Vampires move at 'Speed 5', in which a motion blur can be seen around the vampire. Super strength enables a Sim to work out for an infinite amount of time without getting fatigued. They can also break space rocks with ease but they still have to meet certain skill requirements.
Vampires are unable to skate: they will run around skating rinks with vampire speed instead.Vampires can learn skills faster, but only at night. If a vampire gets the Speedy Learner, however, it does not make this accelerated skill gain any faster during night time, it only aids during the day. The learning rate increase also varies.
Vampires who have just turned may learn almost at the same speed as a normal Sim, while unknown parameters can cause a vampire to master a skill in as short as under 3 hours; this may occur to a child of 2 vampire parents. The variation does not affect Cooking or Handiness skills.
Skill books are not affected by this power and the progress is no faster than a normal Sim. However, being tutored in a skill or using a skill item like the guitar will result in accelerated learning.In addition to faster skill gain at night, vampires can see in the dark and won't get the 'It's Dark' moodlet.
Sims 4 Vampire Baby
Furthermore, vampires visiting a graveyard at night won't receive the 'Creepy Graveyard' moodlet.Vampire WeaknessesFirst and foremost, a vampire's weakness is thirst. If the vampire goes without Plasma for too long, they will receive the 'Thirsty' moodlet. After the 'Thirsty' moodlet comes the 'Very Thirsty' moodlet, and finally the 'Madly Thirsty' moodlet. If the 'Madly Thirsty' moodlet ticks down to 0, a haunting chord will play in the background, the vampire will clutch at their throat, and eventually disintegrate into ash. The ghost will then appear black with a red pulsating light where the heart would be, and the will appear as usual to collect them. The Sim will still be a vampire.The other obvious vampire weakness is sunlight.
Vampires can only go out in the sunlight for a short amount of time before getting the 'Heating Up' moodlet, and they will start to smoke. The 'Heating Up' moodlet lasts for 3 hours, then the vampire will pass out.
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After this, it changes to the 'Too Much Sun' moodlet, and the vampire may not hunt, read minds, or override the emotions of other Sims. The vampire's thirst will also decrease at a much faster rate, forcing more plasma consumption until the 'Too Much Sun' moodlet wears off or the vampire also has the 'Sanguine Snack' moodlet. This moodlet will last two days and the timer will pause every time the vampire is outside during the day.
Sims 3 Vampire Baby Girl
The 'Too Much Sun' moodlet can be removed prematurely by use of the Moodlet Manager or a spa package from a day spa. If the expansion pack is installed, vampires can also use a parasol to protect themselves from sunlight.Garlic is another vampiric weakness.
It can make the vampire sick. Eating garlic, food made with garlic, or drinks with garlic will give a vampire the 'Garlic Breath' and 'Nauseous' moodlet. It can cause them to pass out. It will also cause any vampire who romantically interacts with someone who's just eaten garlic to either get sick or pass out.Vampires in The Sims 3: SupernaturalVampire using Vampiric Sunscreen potion are immune from.