Get Them Up World Quest


World Quests were a big hit in Legion, they promised an extension of the Daily System, and for the most part - succeeded in Legion. I was personally doing WQs far along into the expansion despite being done with Raiding, the AP grind and so on.Why did I continue to do these for so long? Why did I work on bothering with this content - And why aren't I doing it now, only 3 months into BfA, where the quests are still relatively fresh? I might be in the minority here, but I think Mythic + is much better than it was in Legion. Yea, not being able to gear swap takes some of the fun out of it, but the dungeons all have actual mechanics and things you have to pay attention to.

It isn't just a big kite fest. World quests feel the same, maybe if I had a bodyguard that would give me gold for every completed one I would do more. Emissaries feel a lot more selective, like I only do the ones for AP and gold, but not having the chance to get a legendary from the turn in gives no reason to do them every day. That isn't to say I want legendaries coming back and dropping from emissaries, but I think Blizz missed the mark on creating a reward that makes you want to do them every day- or maybe their design goal is that you are eventually done with wqs for the most part. AP grind feels the same as Legion, I think actually a bit better because there's a stopping point- but not perma unlocking traits feels bad- not the grind itself.

I think the bigger problem is that it's more of the same. I don't notice anything new or improved with BfA World Quests. I also think Blizzard deliberately reigned everything back so that the numbers aren't as major. To a certain degree, I'm fine with it. It felt a bit ridiculous to get 4,000 gold from a follower quest and I thought having 12 million HP as a tank was a bit too much.But now that you mentioned it, I wonder why they don't have any PvP world quests. Especially considering Warmode, I think those would be a huge hit and would increase world PvP fights.The WQGF change was bullshit.

It's more tedious to have to enter in the quest ID or harass people by doing an AoE whisper to get them to join. I don't know why Blizzard killed this feature. If anything, incorporate it into the game.

WQA helps you find world quest groups quickly and easily.With just a couple of clicks, you can easily find and join a group, or create your own. When you are in proximity of a world quest, WQA will offer to find or create a group for you. One click of the button finds all open groups and another click will start applying to join them. Or, you can create your own group with a single click.Key features:. One-click support to find a group, create a new group, or join existing groups.

Keybinding support for full automation - just set the bind and then tap it to find or apply to groups, accept a group invite, create a new group, or leave a group after quest completion. Allows you to create a new group on demand - no waiting for group finder timeouts. Open up your quest to others without having to wait for a server jump. Allows you to prefer to connect to groups on your home realm, completely avoiding server jumps. Can leave groups automatically after a configurable delay on quest completion, or stay in the group with a keybind you set. Can find groups for quests by middle-clicking their icons on the map.

Handy when you're sitting around waiting for that mob to spawn! Works with both the base UI and World Quest Tracker.Comments. I would be perfectly happy to be able to join existing groups with a single click!

I did enjoy the create a group feature, but seriously, joining the groups was where it was at, it was like arriving at the club after the dj warmed up and got the peeps on the floor.I think the background search would have to be a little more fuzzy though since people don't often put in the whole name of the quest.But yeah, that would be a fine addition, especially for leveling to 120. Then the 10 million new dailies. They use the quest IDs instead, but it seems it also doesn't automatically create groups as well. Kinda wish it copied the quest ID into the box and just had u click create group instead of typing it but it's still at least faster than typing the whole name or doing the quest solo.P.S.

Been a fan since I first started using your addon when I found it on a showcase at mmo-champion, thanks for your work, muuuuuuch appreciated as it's saved my ass so much time and made alot of the game so much more bearable. I've done some updates while the original author is not actively playing at the moment.

Invasion Points: Implemented the button bar thing, popups will be in a later version (perhaps). Convert to raid: Is done automatically when the group reaches 5 ppl (and the quest can be done in a raid).

Get Them Up World Quest Youtube

The popup about reaching the max number of player comes from the default Blizzard UI, not WQA. Limiting world quests to five people was a change in the 7.2.5 update. WQA now has a work-around for epic world bosses (Na'zak, Si'vash, Brutallus, Malificus, Apocron). Re-listing: No plans yet, but thanks for the suggestion. WQA not finding enough groups: Made two changes that should fix that.

I have noticed a surge in bots joining my groups in the past few days as well, entirely consisting of blood death knights located either in the Grove of Naroua or the Petrified Forest. I can only assume that they're the most efficient areas for grinding materials on Argus.The addon has item level set to default (no requirement), so if you want to up it do the following:. Go to your WoW folder, open Interface, then Addons, and then WorldQuestAssistant.

Open the file core.lua using Notepad (or some other similar program). Search for (without the quote marks) 'CLFGList.CreateListing'. If you have numbered lines enabled, it will be on line 392. Change the first zero to the desired item level. Best armor in kingdom come deliverance.


Click save. If you are already logged in to the game, you can simply reload your UI for the change to take effect.Thanks go to ashmelev and kvl, both from.