Gate Metallurgy 2019 Expected Cutoff
NoPaper NamePaper CodeQualifying MarksGeneralOBC (NCL)SC/ST/PwD1Life SciencesXL36.73324.52Civil EngineeringCE28.225.418.83Electrical EngineeringEE39.635.626.44Computer Science andEngineeringCS2926195Mechanical EngineeringME34.130.722.76Petroleum EngineeringPE4035277Electronics andCommunication EngineeringEC2522.516.68Chemical EngineeringCH34.831.323.29ChemistryCY3228.821.310BiotechnologyBT35.932.323.911Engineering SciencesXE26.72417.812Textile Engineeringand Fibre ScienceTF40.136.126.7.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering and Technology. GATE is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven IITs (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IIT Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and Government of India.Management institutes like NITIE, Mumbai offer admission to Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering on the basis of GATE score. Over 500 institutes including the IISc, IITs and NITs require GATE score for admission to their ME, M.Tech and MS Programs.Some non-Indian universities like the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and some technical universities in Germany also identify GATE score as a parameter for judging the quality of the candidates for admission into their Masters and Ph.D. Programs.A host of PSUs use GATE Scores for jobs in these organizations.GATE is held in multiple sessions from end of January to Mid of Feb.GATE results will be released during 2 nd and 3 rd week of MarchGATE score is valid for 3 years.The paper has 65 questions carrying 100 marks, out of which 10 questions carrying a total of 15 marks are in General Aptitude (GA).GATE qualified students are eligible for stipend of Rs. 12400/- per month on admission.

Roxxy lea ?cheating in college. Date & DaySession No.Time (IST)Test Paper Code2nd February 2019 (Saturday)109:30 – 12.30 Hrs. (Forenoon)CY, ME-1, MN214:30 – 17:30 Hrs. (Afternoon)ME-2, XE, XL, TF3rd February 2019 (Sunday)109:30 – 12.30 Hrs. (Forenoon)CS, CH214:30 – 17:30 Hrs.
(Afternoon)AE, AG, AR, BT, EY, GG, IN,MA, MT, PE, PH, PI, ST9th February 2019 (Saturday)109:30 – 12.30 Hrs. (Forenoon)EC214:30 – 17:30 Hrs. (Afternoon)EE10th February 2019 (Sunday)109:30 – 12.30 Hrs. (Forenoon)CE-1214:30 – 17:30 Hrs.
Gate Metallurgy 2019 Expected Cut Off Youtube
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering and Technology. GATE is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven IITs (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IIT Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and Government of India.
Apart from the General Aptitude (GA) section, the GG question paper consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is compulsory for all the candidates. Part B contains two sections: Section 1 (Geology) and Section 2 (Geophysics). Candidates will have to attempt questions in Part A and questions in either Section 1 or Section 2 of Part B.Part A consists of 25 questions carrying 1-mark each (sub-total 25 marks and some of these may be numerical answer type questions). Either section of Part B (Section 1 and Section 2) consists of 30 questions carrying 2-marks each (sub-total 60 marks and some of these may be numerical answer type questions). A candidate appearing in the XE paper has to answer the following:.
GA – General Aptitude carrying a total of 15 marks. Section A – Engineering Mathematics (Compulsory): This section contains 11 questions carrying a total of 15 marks: 7 questions carrying 1-mark each (sub-total 7 marks), and 4 questions carrying 2-marks each (sub-total 8 marks). Some questions may be of numerical answer type. Any two of XE Sections B to H: The choice of two sections from B to H can be made during the examination after viewing the questions.

Only TWO optional sections can be answered at a time. A candidate wishing to change midway of the examination to another optional section must first choose to deselect one of the previously chosen optional sections (B to H).Each of the optional sections of the XE paper (Sections B through H) contains 22 questions carrying a total of 35 marks: 9 questions carrying 1-mark each (sub-total 9 marks) and 13 questions carrying 2-marks each (sub-total 26 marks).
Some questions may be of numerical answer type. A candidate appearing in the XL paper has to answer the following:.
GA – General Aptitude carrying a total of 15 marks. Section P– Chemistry (Compulsory): This section contains 15 questions carrying a total of 25 marks: 5 questions carrying 1-mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and 10 questions carrying 2-marks each (sub-total 20 marks). Some questions may be of numerical answer type. Any two of XL Sections Q to U: The choice of two sections from Q to U can be made during the examination after viewing the questions. Only TWO optional sections can be answered at a time. A candidate wishing to change midway of the examination to another optional section must first choose to deselect one of the previously chosen optional sections(Q to U).Each of the optional sections of the XL paper (Sections Q through U) contains 20 questions carrying a total of 30 marks: 10 questions carrying 1-mark each (sub-total 10 marks) and 10 questions carrying 2-marks each (sub-total 20 marks). Some questions may be of numerical answer type.
GATE Score CardAfter the declaration of the results, candidates can download their GATE 2019 Score Card for the paper (for which he/she has taken the examination). The score cards will be issued for only those candidates whose marks are equal to or above the qualifying marks of SC/ST/PwD candidates in that paper.The GATE 2019 score cards can be downloaded after the result is declared on March 16, 2019 and for that the candidate should access the zonal websites from where he/she has taken the GATE 2019 examination. In GATE 2019, examination for some papers may be conducted in multi-sessions. Hence, for these papers, a suitable normalization is applied to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers across different sessions.
The normalization is done based on the fundamental assumption that “in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions”. This assumption is justified since the number of candidates appearing in multi-session papers in GATE 2019 is large and the procedure for allocation of session to candidates is random. Further, it is also ensured that for the same multisession paper, the number of candidates allotted in each session is of the same order of magnitudeFor all papers for which there is only one session, actual marks obtained by the candidates will be used for calculating the GATE Score.
Army Cut Off 2019
For papers in multi-sessions, normalized marks will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate and the GATE Score will be calculated based on the normalized marks.The formula for Normalization of Marks for Multi- Session papersThe formula for GATE Score. A candidate can apply for only ONE of the 23 papers listed in Table given below. Making a choice of the appropriate paper during GATE application is the responsibility of the candidate. Some guidelines in this respect are suggested below.The candidate is expected to appear in a paper appropriate to the discipline of his/her qualifying degree. The candidate is, however, free to choose any paper according to his/her admission plan, keeping in mind the eligibility criteria of the institutions in which he/she wishes to seek admission.