A Star Is Born Soundtrack Itunes Plus
A Star Is Born Judy Garland
Plus, Sam DeRosa on co-writing lovelytheband's record-setting hit 'Broken.' Welcome to the Billboard Chart Beat Podcast, where each week co-hosts and, from the Billboard charts department, discuss why what's on the charts is on the charts, while also looking at current chart action in a historical context for even greater insights.This week, and on the with 'Shallow,' after the song's, while its parent album, the A Star Is Born soundtrack, of the.As Gaga leads both lists simultaneously for the first time, we wonder: Is this her best chart week ever? Does it best prior feats, such as the coronation of her debut hit 'Just Dance,' or her No. 1 run in 2011 with 'Born This Way'? Given her numerous chart accomplishments, trying to decide her ultimate honor is a good problem to have.We also welcome singer-songwriter Sam DeRosa, co-writer of lovelytheband's 'Broken' (with Christian Medice and the band's Mitchy Collins), as the song last week rewrote the spent on Billboard's chart. DeRosa also teaches songwriting to 12-to-14-year-olds in Berklee College of Music's Day Sessions program and says of songcraft, with a chuckle, 'I had to write crap.
I had a teacher at Berklee who told me, 'Crap is the best fertilizer, so write crap.' It's stuck with me.' So, when I meet these kids, I say, 'I'm Sam and I want you guys to write crap,' and they all look at me, like, 'She said crap!' I say, 'Who knows what happens on a farm?
How do they grow crops?' And someone raises their hand and goes, 'The cow poops?' And I go, 'Yeah! Because it fertilizes something amazing that's going to grow.' So, don't be afraid to write bad songs. You've got to be able to write bad stuff because that's how you get the good.'
Plus, a flashback to history made on the Billboard 200 this week in 1982 and a preview of how high the ' could launch on next week's Hot 100.Enjoy the latest Billboard Chart Beat Podcast and check back for additional upcoming episodes with artists, label executives, radio programmers and personalities, songwriters, producers and more. And, to receive every episode automatically in your inbox, subscribe to (and rate) the! Plus, the Billboard Chart Beat Podcast is also available on,.